Oracle America Class Action Lawsuit

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By Parul

Oracle America Class Action Lawsuit

Well, put to the realistic test, how much would you pay to tag your favorite tech giant as a ‘spy’ on your ‘real-life’ activities? Well, that’s exactly what is happening with Oracle America Inc, like really? You see, as per the details already out there, with data and ad technologies, the company reportedly monitored people’s activities, spied on their personal information, and then transferred it to another party, all without the ‘okay’ from the victims. Well, just so you know though, that’s not how things work and it is illegal too, but, of course, Oracle would deny everything, claiming that they have been doing everything the right way. So, let’s just go over the details of this Oracle America Class Action Lawsuit and see what is really up with it all.

First Of All, What’s the Story Here?

Just so we’re clear from the very start, you see, this whole drama started with a lawsuit filed in the Northern District of California court. Officially, it is named Katz-Lacabe et al v. Oracle America, Inc., but let us keep it out of legal jargon, you know? For now, just know that the case zoomed in on the practice of Oracle in August 2018, alleging that the company built a creepy, real-time tracking system, the kind that knows where you are, what you’re Googling, or even what sites you’re visiting. And then, it is said, they sold that information to advertisers, not letting people completely know how their lives were dissected, you know?

Sure enough, Oracle, for its part, called these claims bogus, but after years of back-and-forth, the company decided to settle. And then, by the end of November 2024, the court signed off on the deal, thus wrapping up what are among the most significant privacy cases in recent history.

What Did Oracle Agree To?

By this point, it is all over the headlines, you see, Oracle decided to an amazing settlement of a whopping $115 million. However, before you start imagining Imaging Scrooge McDuck-level payouts, keep in mind that part of this cash is earmarked for lawyers and admin fees. The rest? That will go to people whose data was involved. And yes, that could mean you, by the way, more on that in a sec.

Keep in mind though, they have also said they will change their ways, besides paying for past wrongful activities. Like, according to them, they will no longer be collecting such data as what users type into forms other than Oracle sites. They are assured to monitor closely all of their customers to ensure that everyone is abiding by privacy law applications, but now, it is pretty hard to believe for many out there.

Could You Get a Slice of the Settlement?

Well, we won’t make it any more complex for you, it is actually simple: if you went online, did shopping, or used an app that tracks your location for the past five years, you qualify for cash. Sure enough, Oracle’s ID Graph and Data Marketplace are allegedly tools that automatically collect and process millions of records of dollars worth of data from Americans. Pretty good chance that you’re included in the roll. It sounds complicated, but do not sweat it, you know, most people having lived in the United States during these years should probably be covered, so give it a shot.

Like, if you believe you qualify for benefits, you have options. You could file a claim for a portion of the settlement award. How do you not want to do this? You could object to the settlement or opt out entirely if you want to sue Oracle yourself. Or, do nothing, and you would still be covered in the settlement, but no one will tell you that means no cash for you.

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