What Is Personal Injury Law

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By uttaraphalke123

What Is Personal Injury Law

If you don’t know anything about it yet, well, here is the simplest explanation possible: You see, personal injury law explains how legal damages are determined when someone is improperly injured as a result of the action or inaction of another party. Keep in mind though that this isn’t about putting anyone in jail for anything, that’s not how things work with personal injury laws, at least in the majority part of the world. It’s just to ensure that you’re not billed for something that you didn’t cause by choice.

For example, if you fall on a wet floor without a warning sign, or a driver runs into you because they weren’t paying attention. Another example would be like when you purchased an item that was defective, and you were injured while using it. Sure enough, personal injury law can help you get money to cover medical bills, income loss, or the emotional distress you’ve suffered in all these cases.

How Do People Get Hurt? What Does Personal Injury Law Cover?

Just to be clear from the get-go, you see, personal injury law applies to all types of accidents. The most common one? Car accidents. Sure! Like, when someone crashes into you after running a red light or not paying attention. These types of cases are common.

However, it is not limited to a car accident alone, you know? Like, if you get injured in the workplace or a doctor makes a mistake while treating you, then that is also covered. It could very well be that you might be hurt slipping on a wet floor in a store or getting bitten by a dog. When a product isn’t working right and injures you, that’s all personal injury.

All in all, yes, if you got hurt due to another person’s carelessness, personal injury law can help you, that’s how it works.

How Does Personal Injury Law Work?

It is actually all about “negligence” and that’s what this type of law deals with, so that anybody can get justice if they’re the victim of negligence, you know? This word is something we use when someone out there didn’t do something which they should have absolutely done to ensure the safety of others. That’s all.

Here’s how it works:

  • First off you must show the other person had a duty to keep things safe. For example, a driver has a duty to obey the rules of the road, you know, and a store owner has a duty to make sure the floor isn’t slippery.
  • Then, you show that they did not do what they were supposed to do.
  • You then prove the accident was caused by their acts.
  • Lastly, you tell them how it hurt you.

For instance, someone texting and driving crashes into your car. That’s negligence right there. Because they were in violation of the law aka driving carelessly, which caused the crash that hurt you. If you do your part, which is to know about what are your rights and how to use personal injury law, you can very well hold accountable who’s in the wrong and get compensated for whatever harm is done to you.

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