Harris County Guaranteed Income Lawsuit

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By Parul

Harris County Guaranteed Income Lawsuit

Don’t know what’s really happening with the Harris County Guaranteed Income Lawsuit? Well, just keep on reading because Harris County has tried to do something spectacular for poverty relief. What’s that? Well, they call it Uplift Harris, and the idea was really simple: Give needy families $500 a month, no strings attached. Great, right? Well, 82,392 people thought so, as that was the number of applicants, you know? In the end, though, almost 2000 families were chosen as beneficiaries of the cash, a bit of help for their essentials: rent, groceries, and gasoline. For them, it was more than money, it was hope.

Not so for all. Onstage right enters Attorney General Ken Paxton-who doesn’t yell encouragement from the bench. But why? Let’s see just that.

The Reason Paxton Pulled the Plug

Paxton wasn’t here for it, let alone happy with it all. You know, the dude said Harris County’s plan was not merely unconstitutional but patently illegal. According to him, public funds were never supposed to be dealt with like that in the Texas Constitution. Sure enough, he also thought it was just unfair to all taxpayers’ feet. So earlier this year, Paxton took Harris County to court, intending to completely shut it down, saw that in the headlines? That’s not it though, and guess what? He actually won. The Texas Supreme Court sided with him in June 2024 and announced that the program was not legally solid. For Paxton, this was another slam dunk: tossing taxpayer dollars into the air without proper auditing by Harris County and he termed that a bad deal for the public.

But What Is This Uplift Harris 2.0 Thing?

Sure enough, Harris County has not given up. Like, just two months later, in August 2024, they rolled out Uplift Harris 2.0. They made some modifications in their claims, asserting that they had addressed legal issues, and continued offering families $500 a month, do you know about any of this? Well, their message: people really need help, but they will not give up.

But then came Paxton once again. Back to court, they went, and, you know what, surprise surprise, the court sided with him again in December 2024. Sure enough, as you could have guessed already, the payments were blocked, again. Like, Paxton wasn’t shy about calling out Harris County, saying they were deliberately ignoring the law and trying to push the program through anyway. On the other hand, county leaders were beyond frustrated, which is pretty understandable at this point, don’t you think?

Why Do Families Leave Hanging?

And then the families, but what about then? You see, what would you do if you were promised $500 every month to either keep the lights on or have food on the kitchen table, but suddenly, all that hope is going because of this lawsuit in place? That just doesn’t sound good at all, and keep in mind, this is what is happening to more than 2,000 families in the country, so yes, it kinda is a big deal. For them though, it’s kinda like survival at this point.

So far though, we have seen officials from Harris County, like Judge Lina Hidalgo, pledge that their promise will not break in fighting poverty, let’s see where it goes with that. Now that they are saying Uplift Harris would be permanently shelved, such money intended for Uplift Harris will go to other projects that can benefit low-income residents, you know? But for these families, it is stuck, waiting and wondering what will happen next. So yes, if you’re concerned about all of this, just keep on updating yourself with what is going on with this case.

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